Life Process Program Blog
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Passion v Biology in Life and Addiction
They discovered what makes for a happy, fulfilled life. It also makes you live the longest and the best able to resist addiction. We tell so many stories about people whose gifts are destroyed by disease: autism, ADHD, bipolar,...
read moreIs ADHD a condition, a problem, or a blessing?
Dear Stanton, A client recently asked me your thoughts about ADHD. This is a highly-educated professional who was diagnosed as an adult and has not found medication helpful. I gave them my take on ADHD but said I would...
read moreBono and Richard Harris: Irish Connectedness and Harm Reduction
Two Irish superstars who have led very different lives each illustrate the power of local connection in dealing with alcohol At the end of his interview with Norah O’Donnell in the pub in the Irish village where he grew...
read moreDiseasing of America*: We Are Addicted to Disease Therapy
The transfer of mental health from the family and community to the medical system is regarded as a modern miracle. It is an unmitigated disaster. In the proceedings of a 1988 conference in which he and I both participated,...
read moreHow to Detect Bullshit (From George Santos to Lessons in Your Own Life)
You don’t have to fact check George Santos to know he’s lying The Peacock series “Poker Face” stars Natasha Lyonne as a superhero with a special power: the ability to detect bullshit. You can do the same without having...
read moreThe War on Alcohol Part I. | Claim: “No safe level of alcohol consumption”
We used to think it was fun and good for you — but now we know that it’s a . . . . deadly killer?? Even a Little Alcohol Can Harm Your Health: “Recent research makes it clear that...
read moreOvercoming Generational Trauma: “The Book of Manning” as Child Manual
* * * The universal theme of trauma as the cause of addiction and much else has been broadened to include generational trauma. This phenomenon gives the 2013 ESPN series “The Book of Manning” new visibility and significance....
read moreMatthew Perry’s Memoir (Accidentally) Suggests that NATURAL RECOVERY is Possible
* * * We are walking a razor’s edge in reviewing Perry’s memoir. We risk upsetting AA evangelists and the anti-12-step crowd in one review. On one hand, AA’s “Big Book” thumpers will hate that we have no patience...
read moreLindsay Lohan Gets Normal: So Can You with the Life Process Program
There are two ways of viewing how people emerge from addiction: the “recovery” route, where people fight an “illness” forever, versus the natural, developmental one. In the latter case, the person progresses naturally by maturing and gaining a sound...
read moreThe Dangerous Myth of Drug Overdose: Shifting focus from the drug to the user’s life
* * * “Drug overdose” deaths are one of our largest killers. From the overdose perspective, a naive user dies due to taking a single unexpectedly powerful dose of a drug, usually an opioid. But this scenario is a...
read moreIs America’s Drug Policy Genocide?
* * * Minority and deprived populations’ death rates are increasing precipitously. Covid and drugs have been a major focus for this spate of deaths. But the cause runs deeper. The latest bad news is “U.S. Life Expectancy Falls...
read moreProsocial Harm Reduction – Pro COMMUNITY Drug Consumption Sites
We face a crossroads in harm reduction. The concept has been widely deployed. Yet many object to it — including progressives who should be our biggest backers. Here’s the solution. * * * The Biden Administration’s Harm Reduction Background...
read moreThe American Brain Disease Cult: When Prophecy Fails
After devastating data have shown that America is leading the world in a failed approach to combating mental illness and addiction, Nora Volkow comes out firing. * *. * When Prophecy Fails What to do when you stake your...
read moreHow SCHOOLS Can Solve America’s Mental Health Crisis
Unlike the disease theory of addiction, the life process model sees addiction as an experience that most people avoid or outgrow. LPP encourages this development through fostering clients’ purpose, strengths and skills, engagement, experience and adventure, and belonging...
read moreHow American Psychiatry Misled the World and Ruined Mental Health Worldwide
For a half century, at least, American psychiatry and its fellow travelers have been cheerleading a descent into madness. We stand on the threshold of advances in the biological sciences so relevant to psychopathology that one can look forward...
read moreQuinta Brunson’s Love Addiction and Recovery
Quinta Brunson licked the toughest addiction— with purpose. Quinta Brunson—creator, writer and star of ABC’s Abbott Elementary—has written something of an addiction manual in her 2021 memoir, She Memes Well. In all of Brunson’s work, she reckons to have...
read moreHow to Think Like a Moderate Drinker
An interview with a fictional newscaster I often fantasize about having an honest conversation with the type of news correspondent (virtually all of them) who believe addiction is a brain disease— that some are genetically predisposed to become addicted...
read moreFour Ways To Prevent Over-Sensitive Kids: Fostering Resilience
Can a child feel too much? Can they take their concern for others, and the state of the nation and the world, too far? Congressman Jamie Raskin had a monumental year in 2021. As a progressive representative from Maryland,...
read more“Bruce” Is Mental Illness and Psych Meds
Does Bruce Springsteen symbolize creativity, engagement, and superseding early roots? Instead, for some he symbolizes mental illness and requiring psychiatric medications to live. Bruce Springsteen’s Legacy If it were possible, Bruce Springsteen is having a “moment” in the...
read moreWebMD Lists 15 Bad Things Alcohol Does! (My Response)
The American medical establishment hasn’t progressed one iota beyond “This is your brain on drugs.” The esteemed medical website WebMD featured a piece “How Alcohol Affects Your Body” listing 15 items. Guess how many of them were positive? I...
read moreBack to the Future: The Solution for Addiction Chaos Is Ancient
We are emerging from the Dark Ages of Drug Policy by recognizing that drug use and addiction are not the same thing. That is, drug use does not inevitably lead to addiction any more than an addiction requires drugs...
read moreIn Fighting Both the Taliban and Addiction, We Missed What Vietnam Taught Us
We’ve missed something fundamental for decades. It seems impossible that the entire U.S. Government could follow a delusional policy that is an utter failure, while administration after administration and their experts declared it a success. That’s what happened in...
read moreTwo People who are Nearly “Immune” to Addiction (and how they do it)
Nobody is actually immune to addiction, despite what you may read about brain surgeries, medicines, or other “magical” addiction cures. The best any of us can do to prevent and beat addiction is to live a balanced life, which...
read moreWhat Killed Anthony Bourdain?
Love addiction is worse the second time around. This article, written by Dr. Peele, was originally published in Psychology Today Anthony Bourdain hanged himself on June 8, 2018, at Le Chambard Hotel in Alsace, France. He was on location...
read moreWhy Addiction Can Be Difficult to Overcome (and why you will still succeed)
It can be difficult for some people to hear about how so many people drink or take drugs without problems, or becoming addicted. Or, on the other hand, to learn how many overcome addiction in the course of time,...
read moreWhy Shouldn’t you be Punished for Smoking Cannabis?
Why relying on disease or trauma in order not to punish people harms more than it helps In an international cause celebre, Sha’Carri Richardson, perhaps the fastest woman in the world, tested positive for marijuana, upsetting her participation in...
read moreSobriety is Modern Temperance
The new cudgel against drinking and drug use Move over racism, sexism and age-ism. We have a new label to shame the majority of people who choose to drink and use recreational drugs. They aren’t “sober.” Medium ran a...
read moreTrapped in a Disease: The New Cuckoo’s Nest
Britney Spears is the map of the future The documentary Framing Britney Spears revealed the story of how a youthful female singing-entertainment star (now 39) has been under a guardianship arrangement since 2008. The basis for this arrangement was...
read moreWhy Do So Many Have to be Forced Into Treatment? (And how to make help more attractive and effective.)
There’s benefit to seeking life help in the form of therapy, counseling, coaching and mutual-aid groups. But most of that which is available for addiction doesn’t provide essential benefits. The Life Process Program operates as a therapeutic coaching program....
read moreThe Life Process Program Approach to MAT and Harm Reduction
The Life Process Program’s “MAT Empowerment Model” MAT stands for medication-assisted treatment. This is the use of medications to assist recovery from addiction. Harm reduction as it relates to substance use means improvement, or recovery, while continuing to use...
read moreNine Easy and Effective Addiction Problem-Solving Steps That You Can Do ANYWHERE
Stressful situations or problems can be major addiction-triggers (even when stress is unrelated to addictions past or present). Thus, developing effective problem-solving skills– better ways of coping with such situations– is essential to breaking an addictive cycle. Here are...
read moreCan I Be My Best Self If I’m Actively Using Drugs?
Last week, a podcast listener emailed us with such an interesting question that we wanted to share the question and our answer with you. Listen to our answer in this video, or read our exchange below. Question: I feel...
read moreSMART Recovery and the Life Process Program: Major Differences and Welcome Similarities
12-step groups like AA are largely ineffective at curbing drug and alcohol addiction. Happily, SMART Recovery (Self Management and Recovery Training) is another lay-led support group and that honors the principles of personal agency and development that we talk...
read more5 Mindfulness Strategies To Help Beat Addiction
With Contributions From Ilse Thompson Mindfulness is the antidote for addiction. Happily, living mindfully is simple with practice, and getting started doesn’t necessarily require meditation or intense practice. In this article, you will learn five tools for living more...
read more10 Guiding Principles for Maturity and “Natural Recovery”
The idea of addiction as inevitably a lifetime burden is a myth. In fact, most people resolve addictions over time and most do so without professional or support-group help. We know this because the American government’s own data tells...
read moreHarm Reduction in Policing and Addiction
Harm Reduction is the elimination of worst-case scenarios with drugs and alcohol. Can the same concept apply to policing? The Life Process Program utilizes harm reduction techniques in addictions. These involve cases where people are not abstaining completely from...
read morePete Davidson’s Path to Recovery: Work, Collaboration, Responsibility
Pete Davidson is an American phenomenon. The youngest cast member ever to appear on Saturday Night Live, at age 20, now 26, he stars in and wrote the forthcoming movie, The King of Staten Island, directed by Judd Apatow...
read moreThe Future Is Now – Tackling addiction amidst the pandemic with LPP
We are in the midst of a disastrous mental health and addiction epidemic, in which the U.S. is at the bottom of the world heap. (See the 2019 World Happiness Report chapter, “Addiction and Unhappiness in America.”) This plummeting...
read moreCompeting Motivations: social engagement versus social distancing
If, as Johan Harri said, the opposite of addiction is connection, what do we do in a pandemic when the safest thing to do is actually avoid each other? These are unprecedented and challenging circumstances. I don’t need to...
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