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Overcome your
Drug Addiction permanently

With Dr. Stanton Peele's online Life Process Program you CAN

Drug addiction, whether it is in the form of marijuana, cocaine, speed, prescription medications or any other drugs, affects all aspects of one’s life, no matter how much we convince ourselves that the problem is contained.

The Life Process Drug Program, is designed to help you overcome your addiction on your own and from the privacy of your own home.

Drugs are an example of an addiction that is often linked to a particular time and place in people’s lives.

Drugs are very often associated with youth, and most people “age out” of their drug involvements.

If this has not happened for you, it is often the case that you associate with fellow users of that substance (e.g., meth, opiates, weed).

This may seem natural, like second nature to you.But it is partly a life choice, and you can select a different path, one that LPP will help you to find and follow.

Drug Addiction Success Stories

People who have successfully beat their addiction with the Life Process Program

“It is such a relief to me and my family that I am finally free from my drug addiction. The Life Process Program saved my life and my marriage.”

Rory C, Ireland

“I thought I was doomed to struggle my entire life, always being an “addict”. The Life Process Program showed me an alternative. I have hope for the first time in years. Thanks.”

James K, United Kingdom

“I just never felt comfortable sitting in those meetings surrounded by men. With the help of the Life Process Program and my wonderful coach, I was able to deal with my drug addiction privately and anonymously.”

Amanda C, USA

Questions about drug addiction

How does online drug addiction treatment work?

Our online drug rehab program offers flexible, structured care without formal residential ‘treatment’. You’ll progress through eight modules focused on personal growth and behavior change, with individualized support and feedback from your dedicated coach. The core program is supported by weekly group meetings and access to our private Facebook community. This non-12-step model emphasizes holistic drug addiction recovery methods, aligning your recovery journey with your own values along with new insights and life skills.

How does online treatment compare to local in-person services?

Online drug treatment is equally as effecive — in fact more so— than rehab.  Aside from its obvious convenience, it allows you to create your recovery in your real, ongoing life space.  By developing your recovery capabilities in your home and other natural settings you avoid the artificial split from real life that rehabs entail. Our non-12-step approach keys on your personal values and goals while employing your real life skills. Working in your home environment and local community— combined with weekly online meetings—keeps you connected and supported. Altogether LPP’s flexibility accommodates to YOUR life, reduces barriers to recovery, and fosters your greatest recovery asset — your own strength.

What types of drug addiction treatment are available in your program?

Our online drug treatment program addresses root causes of substance use, helping  you reshape habits and align your actions with your core values. The Life Process Program doesn’t focus on labels or types of treatment. It is about your engagement in life. Nor does it focus on your ‘weapon of choice’ — because the drug is not the thing.  Your lived experience and life context is always the central issue!

Do I Have the ‘Strength’ or ‘Willpower’ to Quit Drugs On My Own?

Quitting drugs isn’t a matter of willpower—it’s about how you deal with your life. This means learning healthier coping strategies and building a supportive life framework. Our non-12-step approach supports you in understanding triggers, building on your existing strengths, and developing new life skills. You will engage in practical steps towards changing your life. This helping environment fosters your genuine belief in your ability to overcome your addiction.

How to Deal with Shame Around My Drug Addiction

Our online program fosters your personal resilience and authentic self-respect. LPP creates a safe, judgment-free zone to explore the underlying factors behind your drug use. By replacing shame with action-oriented steps you set the stage for overcoming drug addiction without rehab and its added stigma. You will learn in LPP how to transform self-criticism into accountability and self-acceptance.

Am I a Bad Person for Being Addicted to Drugs?

Of course not!!  Drug addiction stems from unmet needs, and  life stress or trauma, not personal weakness or moral failure. We help you replace addiction triggers with healthy coping skills. Our non-12-step model emphasizes learning and growth, rather than following rules and judging how “good” you are. As you build self-compassion and practical skills, you reclaim self-esteem and move toward a balanced, meaningful life. This is the best, the only way to recover from addiction.

I’m Ashamed of the Type of Drugs I’m Addicted To

Labeling and stigma magnify addiction. These feelings occur particularly with certain substances. Our online program avoids such feelings altogether. It’s not about the drugs.  Our program addresses all addictions with understanding, focusing on what drives your use rather than the drug itself. With our completely non-judgmental approach, you’ll learn healthier ways to manage stress and cultivate self-acceptance. The end result: you’ll approach your life and see yourself in a whole new way.

I’m Not Entirely Ready to Stop Taking Drugs

That’s completely OK — we are not asking you to stop all use! Our online drug treatment program meets you where you are, helping you take meaningful steps whenever and at whatever pace you’re ready to do so. Our goal is ending your addiction. We respect your pace and priorities. We assist you in assessing how drugs fit into your life and whether total abstinence or gradual change makes sense. But everything is centered around your genuine ability to free yourself from addiction.

Further Drug Addiction Resources

Explore our library of articles and useful information
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How do I know if I have a drug problem or an addiction?

Some people feel that any use of illegal drugs or drugs not taken under prescription is itself a problem.  For the most part, if you are taking a prescription drug prescribed by a doctor, and you are not having any issues with it, you should be fine. If however, you find yourself liking the effects of the drug BEYOND its medical purpose, and turning to it for emotional or personal reasons, you need to be cautious.

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Drug Addiction Recovery – Health, Home, Purpose and Community

Every day Americans are educated over and over about the meaning of recovery: celebrities tour the country describing their miraculous redemption from drug addiction due to 12-step rehab, and columnists instruct readers with drug and alcohol problems to attend AA post haste. But we believe that the SAMHSA working definition of recovery provides a solid foundation based on health, home, purpose and community.

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What To Do If Your Loved One Has a Drug Problem

If your loved one is using drugs in a dysfunctional way then it is reasonable to feel concerned. You may also feel an obligation to help this person— but how do you begin? We understand that this can be an emotionally and physically exhausting predicament. Offering help— whether it’s to a family member, a friend, or your own child—  is no easy task.

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Five Myths About Drug Addiction

People behave in keeping with their own ideas (myths!) about drugs’ effects (e.g., “opioids are addictive”), about their own natures (i.e., whether they’re addicts), and about how addiction operates (“people can never recover; people who have been addicted can never use a certain drug, or all psychoactive substance, normally or non-addictively”), rather than based on epidemiological or clinical data, or even their own behavior.

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Can I ever get off methadone? How?

Bill is trying to get off methadone and he reaches out to Stanon for help and advice. To quote bill “It seems like when I try to get off the methadone everything from years ago starts coming back, even though I been clean for 7 years. I am confused and am wondering how long does this withdrawal take approx.”

Stanton provides Bill with useful positive counsel, and also invites Bob Newman (Director, Chemical Dependency Institute) for his input.

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Prescription Drug and Addiction Myth

We hear regularly about the addictive surge occurring with opioid painkillers such as Vicodin, Percocet, and Oxycontin.  In the meantime, quite a few—just as many—become addicted to such popular drugs as Xanax, Adderall, and Zoloft.  But, for reasons we will explain, these addictions are ignored.

In this article we take a look at these leading addictive pharmaceutical substances.

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If you're ready for a different approach to recovery, explore the Life Process Program today. Break free from the 12 steps and take control of your journey.

About the Program