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Struggling with
Love Addiction or a Codependant Relationship?

The Life Process Program can help improve your life

We have come to realize that addiction is not drug driven. It is not caused by a thing. Rather it is a relationship someone forms with an object or an involvement that provides crucial emotional components missing in a person’s life. In this framework, we can readily see that love relationships may be addictive. Indeed, love addiction can be among the most virulent and destructive forms of addiction.

From the start of his long career, beginning with his 1975 book “Love and Addiction,” Dr. Stanton Peele has addressed such destructive relationships — both identifying their sources and the routes out of them.

These paths to recovery from love addiction and difficult relationships involve people’s whole lives. Stanton has trained a group of coaches — male and female — in assisting people to achieve this recovery.

It’s often not a simple pathway, but it is a clear one that engages your self-respect and helps you to develop alternative life choices and purposes, built on your personal values.  LPP will enable you to develop self-control, and to link it to a life that you find satisfying and meaningful. Let us help you on your path to recovery.

Your recovery is in your hands

It is important for you to know that the independent, self-motivated path to improved, healthier relationships is possible.

This Life Process Love & Relationships Program does not ‘fix you’. It is an aid to help you mature out from your ‘addiction’ more quickly, more surely, and more completely by examining your life from the perspectives presented here and following the self-help guidelines provided.

If you feel that you are in an unhealthy relationship, here are some questions to ask yourself :

  • Do I often feel bad as a result of this relationship?
  • Has my life improved due to it, or has it gotten worse?
  • What do my friends and relations think about it?
  • Am I turning to this person more out of fear of the unknown and habit than out of genuine desire?
  • Does this person like me?

If these questions are hitting an uncomfortable nerve with you, then perhaps you owe it to yourself to embark on our journey of self improvement through our program, guided by your own personal dedicated life process coach.

Click here to read more articles from Stanton’s library on love and relationships.

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If you're ready for a different approach to recovery, explore the Life Process Program today. Break free from the 12 steps and take control of your journey.

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