Sex and Relationships – Ask Stanton
- Save me from the addict I’m with
- What should I do?
- I cheated on my alcoholic husband, now he can’t stop thinking about it
- I gave up everything for my boyfriend and now that he’s left, I’m desolate
- I’m falling for a sexy alcoholic – should I stop myself?
- Should I live with a marijuana addict who is otherwise a good man?
- Can you help me be the object of a drunk-girl fetishist’s affections?
- Is dating someone codependent to alcoholics – when you are not an alcoholic – a sign of codependence itself?
- My wife accepts my pornography addiction; but how is this related to my sobriety?
- What does sex addiction tell us about addiction in general?
- I was surprised that my inmate husband is a pot smoker!
- Should I date a woman in AA?
- Why won’t people date me as a recovering alcoholic?
- When masturbation hurts in a relationship
- We have just had a baby, and now my boyfriend masturbates all the time
- Mom’s codependent, and I don’t know what to do
- Is my masturbation ruining my marriage, even though we have an excellent sex life?
- When I went to college, I became involved in addicted sex
- Is my relationship with my gay lover abusive?
- I use alcohol and sex for temporary relief
- Is my girlfriend’s compulsive cybersex an addiction?