Tell me how to get off of methadone?
Hi, I have been a herion addict for 10 years and 2 years ago I went on methadone and my life is back to normal and I do not use drugs at all. I started on 100 for a while now I have slowly went down to 65. I am hoping at least by the year 2000 I will be long off this. BUT,I have spoke with many people that have been on the clinic long and short times and was on a lot and a little and they all detoxed slowly, some only 1 miligram a month but when it comes time to be completely off most either use or go back on again? Why? Do you know any ways of helping the withdrawels at the end? or do you think if i got down to about 30 milgrams and went and did the rapid detox [whitch i am sure you must have heard about] would it help? I have heard that 80% of people who have done it stay drug free and after the procedure that only takes 1 day, they leave the hospital with no withdrawel symtoms. I would appreciate any addvice you could give me. thanks
Dear Rachel:
I am not an expert on the mechanics of withdrawal. In fact, you have many more sources about that than do I. Do you really think there is any sure way to get off methadone? If there were, would there be so many who never get off or who go back again? Please read “Why can’t people just stop using drugs, and should addicts be maintained on drugs?”