SMART Recovery and LPP (similarities and differences)– PODCAST episode 32!
Welcome to the LPP Podcast Episode 32!
Today’s episode is a segment of our interview with LPP Coach Dee Cloward.
In this segment, Dee talks about her work at SMART Recovery and compares/contrasts it with her work for the Life Process Program.
SMART is a free and convenient 12-step alternative with an emphasis on group-work.
LPP is like SMART in that it opposes the 12-step framework, but LPP offers 1-1 coaching and individualized/personalized help for each of their participants within a structured professional program. It includes 1-1 coaching as well as written exercises that participants share with their trained Life Process Program coach.
But there is even more that distinguishes the two programs.
To be sure, SMART and LPP are not in competition (despite what you might think when reading the title of this post). And Dee– having worked under the auspices of both LPP and SMART– sees value in both programs, but notes that there are meaningful differences between them — differences that she discusses in detail in today’s podcast!
Hope you enjoy the show!
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