Three Addiction and Drug Myths DEBUNKED– Podcast Episode 37
Welcome to the LPP Podcast Episode 35!
What is Sundays With Stories?
Stanton Peele and Zach Rhoads, an addiction and a child development specialist respectively, converse about the realities of addiction and substance misuse in their Sunday conversations. Stanton and Zach work together in the online Life Process Program and in publications like Outgrowing Addiction: With Common Sense Instead of “Disease” Therapy. Their Sunday Conversations tap into this overwhelming truth: people have the capacity to overcome addiction. And, in fact (like Zach himself) they regularly do so.
The audio version of the podcast is here:
How do we know?
ALL life studies of people’s substance use show that people successfully come to grips with their addictions. Moreover, people all around you can tell you tales of such natural, developmental recovery. Only they’re not “allowed” to tell their stories, for fear of offending the dysfunctional, but all-powerful, recovery community.
Today’s Episode
Dr. Peele received an email from a documentary film company, asking him to participate in a documentary about addiction. He happily agreed, and then the company sent him a list of questions that he needed to be prepared to answer.
Unfortunately, they were all leading questions– ones which implied that a.) addiction is a disease; b.) drugs cause addiction; c.) addiction is unescapable and none of us are safe!
Stanton had to wonder, “have these people ever read any of my work?”
But he’s a man of his word, so he did answer the questions, but they won’t like his answers.
Happily, I recorded Stanton’s debunking the standard addiction and recovery mythology embedded in the questions. We hope that you enjoy either the video or audio version of Sundays with Stories!
Until next week!