My boyfriend masturbates daily and it is affecting our relationship

Readers Question Readers Question: (Name changed for privacy)
Stanton Peele Response by: Dr. Stanton Peele
Posted on January 20th, 2010 - Last updated: December 28th, 2024
This content was written in accordance with our Editorial Guidelines.

Dear Stanton:

I read your previous Q&A about masturbation effecting a relationship, where you view masturbation as a natural thing.

My question to you is my boyfriend masturbates daily a lot (I don’t know how many times a day at last once a day) and our sex life suffers on my end horribly.

He can’t maintain an erection and all our sex ends up being a masturbation session.

Can you offer any advise at all on what the problem may be.

I think he has always masturbated. We have been together for 2 years and I am an attractive woman but our sex is unromantic and leaves me feeling empty.

He seems content and says sorry for the malfunction but sees no need to change or admit it is a problem. Is it? Can you help me understand why does my boyfriend masturbate so much?


Dear Lauren:

This is a problem, because your sex is unsatisfactory, unlike the previous writer.

In any relationship, people have the right to find satisfaction, and to ask for what they need.

You may think your boyfriend is not satisfying you sexually because he is masturbating, but it may be that he is not engaged enough with you sexually (which can happen for many reasons), and so he seeks sexual gratification through masturbation.

But, as you suggest, it is very selfish of him to accept this state of affairs.

Perhaps the best excuse he could make is that he likes being with you, but is unable to find sexual satisfaction through ordinary sex.

But this is a serious dysfunction.

You might ask him if there is something you can do that could help him gain gratification through sex with you; but it sounds as though he is not shy about having sex the way he wants it when in your presence.

Best wishes,

Help Him Take the First Step
If this article resonates with your situation, consider encouraging your partner to explore our discreet, evidence-based online program. It’s designed to address behaviors like these and help build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

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Stanton Peele

Dr. Stanton Peele, recognized as one of the world's leading addiction experts, developed the Life Process Program after decades of research, writing, and treatment about and for people with addictions. Dr. Peele is the author of 14 books. His work has been published in leading professional journals and popular publications around the globe.


  • Ria says:


    My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for eight years.
    He can’t stay in bed with me for more than a minute, but he will regularly masturbate while taking a shower, and I’ve noticed over the last few months that he isn’t interested in having sex with me; if I ask, he says weather is too hot and I can’t now.
    That is a terrible problem I am having in my relationship, and I am sad. Even when I tried to talk to him about it, he stated it is normal it is not a problem, and advised me to visit a psychiatrist.

    Could you kindly assist me in determining what is wrong with him or maybe with me?

    Thank you!

  • Scorpionqueen says:

    I have been with my boyfriend for over 7 years he has always had a masturbation problem but he would satisfy me as well but for the last four months I’ve notice that he does not have sex with me anymore and I have found porn on his phone like everyday I have talked to him about this over and over again but in the end he still waits when I’m asleep to go masturbate instead of having sex with me and it’s getting frustrating because I am very sexual active but for him to masturbate than to have sex I’m starting to feel like he has a problem any advice…

  • Anna says:

    I too am dealing with my boyfriend masturbating. But this just started getting out of hand about a month ago and he refuses to be honest with me about it. The minute he gets home from work he’s on his phone watching porn and then a few times during the evening he’ll go into the bathroom to masterbate. Our sex life does suffer. When my mother passed away from cancer all he did was watch porn and masterbate. He was not there for me at all. It seems like I’m only a bore to him, we could be hanging out and he will pick up his phone and watch porn then go sit in the bathroom for a hour. Please help…

  • Sunshiny day says:

    So im in a new relationship with a guy and he always goes soft during sex but never when he masturbates. He has toys that get him off and give him a better orgasm than me and it makes me feel horrible. Like I’m less of a woman. He doesn’t seem to understand. But to me it really hurts. I want to be able to pleasure him as much as he does me. But it seems impossible to do. I love him to pieces but i don’t know if i can live like that. Its selfish of me to be the one to get him off every time but isnt that what a woman is supposed to do for her man? Or partner. Hes getting off about 4 times a day and I’m maybe getting off once. Because he always goes soft right before I’m about to get off. Its something I’ve almost cried about.

  • Queenb says:

    I’m also dealing with the same situation with my fiancee (lesbian) and it’s really getting difficult for me to deal with and it’s slowly hurting our relationship and only for see it to become worse, maybe destroying to our 9 year relationship which I don’t want. Please help me with how to handle this

  • second partner says:

    My girlfriend and I (lesbian relationship) have been together going on 4 years. With in the last year I have began to notice her obssesive need to masturbate. Even while I’m sitting next to her she will touch herself. There is not a night that she doesn’t masturbate. Meanwhile she thinks im asleep next to her. I’ve brought it up, due to the celibacy on my part, and it turns into a question of my sanity. She insists that she is not masturbating day and night. I have thought of stepping out of the relationship because of the lack of affection. What’s worse is she has now, without my knowledge, invested in a vibrator. I awoke one night to this surprise and this is when we fought and she insisted I get help for my mental instability. I started to question my own sanity. What do i do? I am wondering now if there is a touch of mental illness inn her end! Please help!

    Yours but not hers,

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